Default Value
Running Mode
Default value: Full Mode
Determines whether the EA will open the first layer, the additional layer (marty), perform the TP calculation, or do nothing at all.
- Full Mode : EA will do everything, opening new OP, opening additional layer, and re calculate TP if needed.
- Stop after TP : EA will not opening first OP, but still opening additional layer, and re calculate TP if needed. Usually used if we want to stop the EA, but there is still one or more OPs running.
- No Additional Layer : EA will not opening any OP, but still re calculate TP if needed. Usually used if we are worried that the additional layer will make floating worse.
- Do Not Recalculate TP : EA will not do anything.
- Close All Buy and Stop : Close all Buy OP immediately, and stop. EA will not open any first OP, either Buy or Sell.
- Close All Sell and Stop : Close all Sell OP immediately, and stop. EA will not open any first OP, either Buy or Sell.
TP calculation will be carried out by EA if: there is an OP who fails to set TP or if there is a new layer added.
Since: version 1.06
Indicator for First OP
Default value: Stochastic
The indicator will help the EA to decide the right moment to open a BUY or SELL OP. We can choose one of several indicators provided. Simple is the build in algorithm that exists in Perwira v1 to determine OP.
Since: version 2.00
Trend Direction
Default value: Follow Trend
EA will open a position in the direction specified by the indicator. However, sometimes we choose to go against the direction, so that layers and marty are formed faster, or when the direction of the candle is difficult to predict.
- Follow Trend : EA performs OP according to the direction from signal
- Reverse Trend : EA performs OP reversing to the direction from signal
Since: version 2.00
Indicator Time Frame
Default value: current
The time frame to be used by the indicator. If you select current, the time frame will match the time frame on the chart.
Since: version 2.00
Use ADX (Only for First OP)
Default value: Disabled
The average directional index (ADX) is used to determine when the price is trending strongly.
ADX calculations are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a given period of time.
If ADX value is below 25, this indicates that it is in a swing / weak signal, and if it is above 25, it indicates that there is a strong trend. Many users of the Officers EA prefer to play this EA on swing conditions.
Since: version 2.00
ADX Limit
Default value: 25
The value that ADX limits whether to open the first OP or not.
Since: version 2.00
ADX Time Frame
Default value: current
The time frame to be used by ADX. If you select current, the time frame will match the time frame on the chart.
Since: version 2.00
ADX Period
Default value: 14
The number of candles to be calculated by ADX.
Since: version 2.00
Minimum Equity for First OP (%)
Default value: 60
Multiple EAs can be installed on 1 MT4 account. If one pair or one EA is in long floating, the other EA will not open a new OP if the equity is less than the limit (in percentage).
Since: version 1.00
Take Profit
Default value: 30
This parameter determines where the TP will be installed. As an illustration, for the XAUUSD pair with 0.01 lots, the TP with 100 points will give you a profit of $1.
Please note, on the Exness broker with the XAUUSD pair, the calculation is slightly different because the number of decimal numbers is more. For the same profit target and lot, we need to determine the TP with 1000 points.
Since: version 1.00
Close by Profit ($)
Default value: 0
When experiencing long floating, and EA has opened many layers, reaching TP may still be a bit far. Security can be done by determining the nominal value of the profit, and after this is reached, the EA will close all OPs in profit positions, without waiting for the price to reach the TP point.
Since: version 1.07
Rounding for TP
Default value: 0
In certain brokers and pairs, the price that can be used sometimes must be in a certain rounding. For example, some use 0.25 rounding, so the prices that can be used for TP and SL are for example 1000.00, 1000.25, 1000.50, 1000.75.
In this case, enter 0.25.
Since: version 1.07
Use Daily Profit
Default value: Percentage
EA will not make OP 1, if daily profit reach.
- Disabled : Not using any target
- Percentage : Target using percentage of balance
- Nominal : Target using $
Profit calculated from all profit in account.
Since: version 1.03
Daily Profit Limit
Default value: 3
We can determine what the daily profit target is (in percentage or in nominal/$). After the profit on the account is reached, the EA will not open the first OP again, and will only finish the already opened OP. Set 0 to disabled this feature.
Since: version 1.00
Auto Initial Lot
Default value: true
If true, EA will calculate initial lot based on account balance and Balance per 0.01 Lot. For example, if the balance is 20000 and the balance per lot is 3000, then the initial lot used is 0.06 lots. When the balance has reached 21000, the lot used is 0.07. Thus, the trading process becomes auto compound.
If false, then the EA will always use lots according to the Initial Lot settings.
Since: version 1.00
Balance per 0.01 Lot
Default value: 50000
Used when Auto Initial Lot = true, to calculate the initial lot, it is the required balance proportion for the initial lot of 0.01. Minimum value = 1000, Maximum value 100,000.
Since: version 1.00
Initial Lot
Default value: 0.01
Used when Auto Initial Lot = false, to determined Initial Lot for the first OP. For balance below $3000, we recommend using 0.01 lots.
Since: version 1.00
Rounding for Lot
Default value: 0
In certain brokers and pairs, lot that can be used sometimes must be in a certain rounding. For example, some use 0.1 rounding, so lot that can be used are for example 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4.
In this case, enter 0.1.
Since: version 1.07
Lot Multiplier
Default value: 1.04
When the first OP is different from the direction of the candles, EA will make the next OP with a larger lot size on every candle, according to time frame, as compensation and to accelerate profit. Lot size on the next EA will be calculated based on this multiplier. Usually between 1 to 1.05. If you want to use a grid strategy with all OPs using the same lot size, use multiplier 1.
Since: version 1.00
Maximum Lot
Default value: 0
If lot calculation is higher then Maximum Lot, EA will use Maximum Lot. Set 0 to disable this feature.
Since: version 1.07
Maximum OP
Default value: 200
This is the maximum number of OPs opened by EA. This amount is the balance point between the available equity and the number of lots opened. It should not be too much, because there is a risk of margin call. And not too little because it will take a long time to wait for a retrace.
Since: version 1.00
Smart OP Reduction (SOR)
Default value: Enabled, after x OP
Mechanism to avoid opening new marty OP, if TP will not change signifficanly. You can set this feature to start after xx OP or after xx percentage of DD.
- Disabled :
- Enabled, after X OP : Smart OP Reduction will work after the number of OP is equal to or greater than the OP Reduction Limit
- Enabled, according drawdown (%) : Smart OP Reduction will work after the drawdown (in percentage) is equal to or greater than the OP Reduction Limit
The EA will only open an additional OP (marty) if by opening the OP the takeprofit position changes by a certain value. The value is obtained from multiplying the value of this parameter by the take profit value. For example, if the take profit parameter is 300 points, and the SOR Distance value is 0.2, the EA will open an OP if the take profit price change 300 x 0.2 = 60 points closer.
Since: version 1.06
SOR Start After (OP/DD%)
Default value: 1
SOR will work when OP/DD% is more then this value.
Can use the number of OP or drawdown (%).
Since: version 1.06
Level 1 SOR Distance
Default value: 0.1
The distance parameter use when OP/DD% is more then SOR Start.
Since: version 1.09
Level 1 SOR Limit (OP/DD%)
Default value: 100
If OP/DD% is more than this value, SOR will use Level 2 SOR Distance
Since: version 2.00
Level 2 SOR Distance
Default value: 0.2
The distance parameter use when OP/DD is more then Level 1 SOR Limit, and below Level 2 SOR Limit.
Since: version 1.09
Level 2 SOR Limit (OP/DD%)
Default value: 150
If OP/DD% is more than this value, SOR will use Level 3 SOR Distance
Since: version 2.00
Level 3 SOR Distance
Default value: 0.3
The distance parameter use when OP/DD is more then Level 2 SOR Limit.
Since: version 1.09
Dynamic Time Frame (DTF)
Default value: false
To set different interval when making OP. OP will be done every time there is a new candle, depending on the selected time frame. For example choosing TF M1, then the OP will be done every minute. Dynamic Time Frame is used to provide a longer duration of the distance between OPs, if there are already many OPs. For example, OP1 - OP60 use TF M1, then further up to OP80 use TF M5, and then use TFM15.
- Disabled
- Enabled, after X OP : Dynamic TF will work if the number of OP is lower than the limit
- Enabled, according drawdown (%) : Dynamic TF will work if drawdown (in percentage) is lower than the limit
In version 1, If you use a Dynamic Time Frame, the TF Multiplier setting will be ignored.
In version 2, TF Multiplier parameter is deprecated.
Since: version 1.06
Level 1 DTF Multiplier
Default value: 1
This multiplier is used when Dynamic Time Frame setting is not disabled, and the total OP or drawdown is less than the Level 1 TF Limit.
Since: version 1.04
Level 1 DTF Limit (OP/DD%)
Default value: 60
Limitations on whether will use the L1 TF Multiplier. Can use the number of OP or drawdown (%).
Since: version 1.06
Level 2 DTF Multiplier
Default value: 5
This multiplier is used when Dynamic Time Frame setting is not disabled, and the total OP or drawdown is less than the Level 2 TF Limit and greater than the Level 1 TF Limit.
Since: version 1.04
Level 2 DTF Limit (OP/DD%)
Default value: 80
Limitations on whether will use the L2 TF Multiplier. Can use the number of OP or drawdown (%).
Since: version 1.06
Level 3 DTF Multiplier
Default value: 20
This multiplier is used when Dynamic Time Frame setting is not disabled, and the total OP or drawdown is greater than then Level 2 TF Limit.
Since: version 1.04
Use Cut Loss
Default value: Disabled
We never wanted this feature to work. But sometimes market conditions do not allow, and we need to save the remaining balance. You can choose using percentage or nominal
Since: version 1.00
Cut Loss When DD
Default value: 0
When Use Cut Loss is active, EA will close all orders which controlled by this EA when floating (cause by OPs made this EA) higher then this value (in percentage). Other OPs made by other EA will not close.
Since: version 1.03
Start Hour (0-23)
Default value: 2
EA will start opening first OP from this hour (broker server time). 1 means 01:00:00 broker server time. Since ver 1.22, you can set strat hour bigger then end hour if needed. Ex: Start hour 23, end hour: 16. It means EA will open first OP only from 23:00:00 until 16:00:00.
Since: version 1.00
End Hour (1-24)
Default value: 12
EA will stop opening first OP from this hour (broker server time). 20 means 20:00:00 broker server time. But still opening additional OP if needed until hit TP.
Since: version 1.00
Trading on Monday
Default value: true
If true, EA will open OP on specific day
Since: version 1.04
Trading on Tuesday
Default value: true
If true, EA will open OP on specific day
Since: version 1.04
Trading on Wednesday
Default value: true
If true, EA will open OP on specific day
Since: version 1.04
Trading on Thursday
Default value: true
If true, EA will open OP on specific day
Since: version 1.04
Trading on Friday
Default value: true
If true, EA will open OP on specific day
Since: version 1.04
Trading on Saturday
Default value: false
If true, EA will open OP on specific day
Since: version 1.04
Trading on Sunday
Default value: false
If true, EA will open OP on specific day
Since: version 1.04
Start Hour on Monday (0-23)
Default value: 2
EA will start opening first OP on Monday from this hour (broker server time). 1 means 01:00:00 broker server time.
Since: version 1.04
End Hour on Friday (1-24)
Default value: 12
EA will stop opening first OP on Friday from this hour (broker server time). 20 means 20:00:00 broker server time. But still opening additional OP if needed until hit TP.
Since: version 1.04
Use News Filter
Default value: Not Open First OP and Marty
A news can create a very volatile situation. EA will not create a new OP in a certain time frame before the news, and also until a certain time after the news, if Use News Filter set to true. This is a very useful feature, and we recommend enabling it, in order to avoid the risks that may arise from the news. You have to set MT4 - Tools - Option, and set allow WebRequest to ""
- Disabled : to disable this feature
- Not Open First OP : in news time range, EA will not open First OP, but still opening marty if needed.
- Not Open First OP and Marty : in news time range, EA will not open any OP.
- Close All OP in Profit : EA will close all OPs if in profit
- Close All OP: EA will close all OPs even if its in loss position
Since: version 1.07
Minutes Before News
Default value: 240
Time range before news (in minutes) when EA will not open any position, if Use News Filter set to true.
Since: version 1.00
Minutes After News
Default value: 120
Time range after news (in minutes) when EA will not open any position, if Use News Filter set to true.
Since: version 1.00
Magic Number
Default value: 19750106
Magic Number is used to distinguish which OPs are made by EA and it is the responsibility of EA to manage them. If we use several EAs on one trading account, but each EA is installed on a different pair, the Magic Number does not need to be changed. Magic Number needs to be distinguished if we use two or more EAs in the same pair.
For example, 2 EAs are installed on the XAUUSD pair, where one EA is for BUY only, and the other is for SELL only.
Since: version 1.00
Additional Comment
Default value: [empty]
You can add any text to the order comments. But remember, the length is limited.
Since: version 1.00